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there is nothing at all in this world or the next that is more satisfying than meeting another person with the same views in life. isis is the perfect example of this scenario.


I get to Chinatown and she's eating some weird snack that's obviously not "normal". I say what's up then see what she's eating. "I think it's a yolk in the middle, not sure what the lady said". Conveniently, a older Chinese woman walked by us and overheard the conversation.

"Ohhhh moon cake? That's good!"

I'll pass. I hate eggs.

we went to a new roof I found in chinatown and had a pretty deep conversation about eachothers past. when I talk to other people my age and they tell me what theyve been through, I sometimes feel bad telling my own story. after bonding over past talk, we people watched for a little bit then went down to go find something to eat. on the way, we stopped at a book store and enjoyed seeing old racist books (only in san francisco) in the coolest bookstore off of broadway and colombus. then we got pizza and i got home around midnight, and now im blogging at 1:30AM school night. If thats not a dedication, im not sure what is.

have a awesome day

P.S. heres the view:


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